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The Yachting Section of the Vancouver Rowing Club is a vibrant community in excess of 550 sailors and power boaters. As a social club we aim to provide opportunities for engagement of all our members, regardless of whether they currently own a boat or have their boat moored at the VRC itself. It’s the love of the water that brings us together!

Members of the Vancouver Rowing Club's Yachting Section enjoy the following benefits:
  • Club facilities including a gym, showers, and the newly renovated Carver Room member bar
  • A well-equipped workshop, mast tower and mast room
  • Year-round social events, including the Commodore's Ball, Sailpast, monthly New Members Night, and dock parties
  • An ever-expanding education program, including Marine Basic First Aid courses and Race Management Seminars
  • Periodic pub nights and presentations on various boating-related topics
  • An active Facebook page for updates, for sale/swap, or general off-the-dock Dock Talk
  • Long-weekend cruises to club outstations and other destinations
  • All-season sailboat racing, highlighted by the VRC Summer Regatta
  • Rookie Racing Seminar to encourage participation in club racing for both experienced and novice captains and crew
  • Outstations located in Snug Cove, Ganges, Silva Bay, Otter Bay and Pender Harbour
  • Reciprocal privileges with over 90 yachting clubs located in British Columbia, NW United States and elsewhere in the world
  • Sheltered year-round moorage in Coal Harbour for approximately 230 boats, subject to availability and club policies
Please take a look at our Welcome Aboard video.
Yachting Membership Types
All Yachting Members are entitled to the above benefits
  • Active Member is an Active Member of the Club that is associated with the Section. ($676.16/year)
  • Collegiate Member is enrolled in full-time post-secondary study, is at least eighteen years and not more than 26 years of age. ($545.89/year)
  • Spousal Member is a non-voting member whose partner is an Active Member of the Section in good standing, in a marriage or common-law arrangement for at least one year. ($382.90/year)
  • Junior Member is a non-voting member who has not yet reached the age of eighteen years by the September 30 in the current year. Please contact the Membership Officer for more information. ($53.70/year)
Non-Voting members are entitled to attend the Club Annual General Meeting or Annual Section Meeting but are not entitled to vote at either, or to hold the office of a Director of the Club. They are entitled to serve on Section committees, including the Executive Committee, but may not serve as the Vice Commodore.
Exclusion Criteria
  • Prospective members not residing within the Lower Mainland of Vancouver will be considered on a case-by-case basis for their potential to contribute to and participate in the Club community.
  • Members with boats greater than 65ft in length will not be considered as this exceeds the capacity of the VRC resources (outstations and moorage).
Membership Application Process
  1. Fill out the Application Form
  2. Attend a Prospective Members Night on the 1st Wednesday of the month (this can be done before #1 and #2) 
  3. Once you have done all of the above, call the VRC Office (604.687.3400) to pay the non-refundable application fee of $500** and the first year's membership dues ($676.16, not pro-rated). You should aim to have this final step completed by the 2nd Wednesday of the month.
*Please note you are no longer required to provide 2 letters from current Yachting members as indicated on the application form but you can indicate any members you know who we could talk to.
  • If your application is completed by the 2nd Wednesday of the month it will be brought to the Executive meeting on the 3rd Wednesday for discussion. 
  • If the decision is made to move forward with the application your name will be put forth to the membership in the Vancouver Rowing Club's monthly newsletter the ROAR.
  • Your application will be voted on at the following Executive meeting.
  • If approved, your membership will be effective the first day of the following month.
What is expected from me as a member?
  • The Yachting Section is run entirely by volunteers and relies on its members to volunteer their time and energy to make the club a vital part of our lives. Participating in Club events and volunteering on a committee or the Yachting Executive are excellent ways to get to know the club, the section and your fellow members.
  • Members are required to adhere to the policies and procedures set out in the Club Constitution and Bylaws, VRC House Rules and the VRC Yachting Section constitution and Bylaws (copies provided once application approved).
  • The main theme is to "get involved.”
For more information please contact the office at (604) 687-3400 or email our Membership Officer.
**As agreed upon at the 2021 VRC Yachting Section AGM, all new yachting section Active Member applications will be subject to a $500 administration fee, due upon submission of an application form. This fee will become effective for new applications submitted from January 1, 2022 forward.  This fee is in addition to the membership dues, and is non-refundable, except in the case where the club denies acceptance of an application.