At each year's Annual General Meeting for the Rowing Section, half of our Rowing Executive is voted in to serve a two-year term. The Executive is comprised of rowing members who are volunteers and their mandate is to act in the best interest of the Rowing Section with any action undertaken. The Executive's main function is the smooth operation of the Section within the Vancouver Rowing Club. It determines the direction of the Section in terms of equipment purchase, fund raising and community initiatives.
Any current member of the Vancouver Rowing Club and Rowing Section may run for a position and vote at the AGM. Rowing Executive meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month. Any member with an interest may attend these meetings by bringing forward issues to be added to the agenda.
Executive positions and descriptions are described below.
Section Executive Responsibilities and Duties by Position
Setting Section Fee Schedule
Setting LTR Fee Schedule
Approving Section Budget
Setting AGM dates and finding candidates to run
Setting Executive Meeting dates
Review and update of Executive Policies and Section Bylaws
Attending and participating in the meetings and activities of the Section
CAPTAIN (Betsy Segal)
Give leadership and guidance to the Section, including but not limited to matters of Policy and general well being
Schedule and chair all meetings of the Section
Call meetings of the Executive Committee
Obtain nominations for the election of Executive Committee Officers at the Annual General meeting by appointing a Committee of two Section members and a Chairperson
Oversee all aspects of rowing programs
Mediate and resolve any disputes between members.
Implement and oversee the strategic goals of the Section as recommended by the Strategic Planning Committee or other body with the assistance of the Vice-Captain of Operations and the Rowing Liaison
Liaise with the Parks Board and other authorities
Coordinate Alumni activities
Act as custodian of all records, archives, documents and publications of the Section except those to be kept by the Section Treasurer or the Club
Keep minutes of all meetings of the Section and distribute these minutes to the other members of the Executive Committee and the Club Manager
Issue notice of meetings of the Executive Committee
Maintain a Membership Manual
TREASURER (Melissa Bryden)
Perform financial planning and risk management for the Section
Coordinate and account for membership dues and all fund raising activities
Record all receipts and disbursements of Section funds
Submit an accurate financial statement to the Club Treasurer at the date established by the Club at year-end and any interim statements as required by the Club
Cooperate with and inform the Executive Committee of major financial matters concerning the Section
Arrange for financial statements to be available for the Executive Committee
Prepare and administer yearly budgets and quarterly reviews for the Section
Coordinate LTR finances
Coordinate infrastructure replacement
Maintain a membership list
Develop community
Introduce new members to the Section
Distribute the Section Constitution, Section Rules, and Membership Manual
Coordinate with the parents of Junior Members
Organize membership drives
Coordinate Coaches and Programs
Oversee the Coordinator of LTR programs
Oversee payroll of Coaches
Coordinate regatta participation
Assist the Captain and Rowing Liaison with the implementation of strategic goals
Represent the Section to the Club Board
Represent Club to Rowing BC and Rowing Canada Aviron
Review Bylaws and Policies no less than once per year
Oversee inter-club relations
Act as disciplinarian of the Section and its members
Assist the Captain and Vice-Captain of Operations with the implementation of strategic goals
Maintain all equipment and infrastructure belonging to the Section
Maintain an Equipment Log Book
Provide yearly budgets for maintenance to be performed for all equipment
Organize volunteer groups for the upkeep of the shell bays and equipment, and to assist in all other aspects of maintenance
Manage the Boat Acquisition Plan and Replacement Plan
Manage the private boat policies
Maintain the Ergometers
Coordinate with the Safety Officer in respect of the maintenance and replacement of equipment and infrastructure bleonging to the Section
Act as Section Editor of the ROAR
Communicate between members and the Executive Committee through email and the ROAR
Inform the membership of Club developments that will affect the section through email and the ROAR
Inform the members of Section activities
Coordinate social events and fundraising
Update and maintain the Section's web presence
Oversee public funding and grants, including applications for funding and grants
Communicate with other bodies as directed by the Executive Committee