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Vancouver Rowing Club (VRC) has a small group of para athletes. We strive to provide recreational and competitive rowing opportunities for those who want to be out on the water rowing. The physical health benefits of rowing are many, plus, VRC offers a thriving social component to all those involved in the club. Rowing is ideal for many wheelchair users as it is a sport that works the back and chest. It also offers a means to improve strength and cardio fitness. We are equipped for athletes in these para categories: PR1 (primarily arms and shoulders- uses a fixed seat) and PR2 (arms and trunk- uses a fixed seat). The third category is PR3 (athlete able to use whole body to some effect, uses a sliding seat). PR3 athletes typically row in crews in our regular rowing shells. Athletes can compete at local, provincial or national events.

Whether you've never rowed before, or are an experienced Para athlete, please contact the Rowing Manager for current information on learning to row or continuing your rowing here.