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Moorage Parking Permits

Available upon completion of moorage documentation and payment of fees

Moorage members may register their  vehicles for the VRC parking lot.  Only one vehicle per moored boat may be present in our parking lot at any time

Update the club office promptly with any changes to your vehicle registration/ license plate

Moorage members may not purchase additional moorage or non-moorage parking permits

Permits are valid any time, up to four (4) consecutive overnights in a seven (7) day period

Permits expire March 31st with moorage contract, ensure your renewal documents are submitted in a timely manner to avoid being ticketed or towed

Non-Moorage Parking Permits
$35 Annual Fee

May be purchased by non-moorage club members in good standing.  Non-moorage members may have one (1) permit per year

Only one registered vehicle per non-moorage member may be present in our parking lot at any time

Update the club office promptly with any changes to your vehicle  registration/ license plate

Non-moorage permits are valid in the summer (May 1 to September 30th) from 6am Monday morning through to 2:30pm Thursday afternoon

Non-moorage permits are valid in the winter (October 1 to April 30th) from 6am Monday morning through to 2:30pm Friday afternoon

Permits expire September 30th with membership, ensure your membership renewal payment and documents are submitted in a timely manner to avoid being ticketed or towed

Contractor Permits

All contractors must be registered with the office, ensure your contractors know & follow VRC parking procedures

Limited number of contractor permits are available each day

Valid only Monday through Friday 9am to 5pm

Not valid Saturday, Sunday or holidays


The club parking lot is reserved on weekends for moorage members only.  Moorage members may register up to four (4) vehicles, however, only one (1) vehicle per moored vessel may be in the parking lot at any given time.   Moorage members may park for up to four (4) consecutive nights.

Moorage Only Parking is in effect during the following hours:

SUMMER (May 1 to September 30) - Thursday 2:30pm to Monday 6am

WINTER (October 1 to April 30) - Friday 2:30pm to Monday 6am

Non-moorage members may purchase annual parking for $35.  Non-moorage parking is available to club members in good standing during the following hours:

SUMMER (May 1 to September 30) - Monday 6am to Thursday 2:30pm

WINTER (October 1 to April 30) - Monday 6am to Friday 2:30pm

Non-moorage members may register up to four (4) vehicles, however, only one (1) vehicle per member may be in the parking lot at any given time. 

Any vehicle present in the club parking lot that is not registered will be ticketed or towed at the owners expense.  Please note window decals, mirror hangers or notes left on the dashboard are not valid; all vehicles must be registered. 

The marked Commodore's parking spot is reserved for the Commodore only, all others will be ticketed or towed at the owner's expense. 

Parking within our Vancouver Rowing Club parking lot is limited to marked spaces only.  Parking on the grass, behind or beside the garbage shed or on access roads or driveways is not permitted.  If the lot is full you must wait for a parking space or us ethe public pay parking available on the street or in the Stanley Park Info Centre parking lot. 

Motorcycles may park at the side of the access path beside the shed (not blocking the path), but must still have registered the license plate number with the club office. 


Visitors and guests must use public parking in Stanley Park when visiting the Vancouver Rowing Club. There is pay parking along the street in front of the clubhouse (please do not park in designated loading zone located directly in front of clubhouse), or in the larger public parking lot near the Stanley Park Info Center, just east of the clubhouse. Parking payment can be made at a designated meter or by using one of the posted parking apps.  Click here for Stanley Park public parking information. 


Annual Stanley Park parking permits may be purchased from Easy Park for parking in public pay parking lots within the park.