The Vancouver Rowing Club is a popular destination for boaters from around the Pacific Northwest. We welcome our non-mooring Yachting members, members of reciprocal clubs and transient (no club or reciprocal affiliation) guests. Guest moorage is available throughout the year, reservations are recommended, click here to submit a reservation request or contct the club office by phone (604) 687-3400 or email.
2 free nights per month (to a maximum of 12 nights per year)
subsequent nights $0.75/foot/day + $5/day utility fee (including free nights)
(maximum stay 5-7 days space permitting)
(*club members approved for long term guest moorage staying over 14 days must complete a club safety inspection*)
2 free nights per year
subsequent nights $2.00/foot/day + $5/day utility fee (including free nights)
(maximum stay 5-7 days space permitting)
TRANSIENT MOORAGE (no club affiliations)
$2/foot/day + $5/day utility fee
Upon arrival, if you have a reservation, feel free to pull into your assigned slip, tie up and then attend the office to check in. We ask that you check in within half an hour of your arrival.
If you cannot find your assigned slip, or are arriving without a reservation, please tie up at the Reception Dock (beside the Mast Tower) and attend the office to check in and review the moorage map. Any vessel tying up to the Recepton Dock MUST REPORT IN PERSON TO THE OFFICE IMMEDIATELY. The Reception Dock is not available for overnight moorage.
The Club Office is open from 9am - 5pm Monday to Friday and 10am - 4pm weekends. If you expect to arrive outside office hours please contact the office to make alternate registration arrangements.
- Reservations are recommended. We do our best, but may not be able to accommodate vessels arriving without a reservation
- Check in at the Club Office in person, within half an hour of arriving (checkin / checkout time is noon) if you will be arriving outside of office hours please contact the office (604) 687-3400 to make alternate arrangements and attend the office when it next opens to complete your registration
- Proof of insurance AND proof of ownership is requied at check-in
- Valid credit card is required at checkin for access fob deposit
- Visitor moorage & utility fees due at time of checkin
- VRC members & reciprocal guests must show current membership cards
- Reciprocity is NOT extended to outstations
- Utility fee of $5/day (applies to every day of stay, including free nights)
- 20 or 30 amp power available
- Potable water available at all slips
- Pumpout system available, click here to watch instructional video
- Our guest slips are our member's slips while they are off cruising, please leave moorage lines, cables, fenders and other paraphernalia on the docks in good order
- The VRC docks are an on leash area for pets, animals (other than service animals) are not permitted in the clubhouse
- Pay parking is available in the large public parking lot on the north side of Stanley Park Drive, click here for more information. The VRC member lot is reserved for VRC members only, all other vehicles will be ticketed or towed.
- Visitor moorage guests are welcome to attend the member bar in the Carver Room
- Non-members are not permitted in the gym
- Please do not enter or walk through the rowing shell bays
- Washrooms & showers are available (no charge)
- Cubed and blocked ice is available ($5/bag)
- Click here for instructions on accessing the garbage shed.
* Long term guest moorage may be available to club members (space permitting). Any vessel approved for guest moorage for a period longer than 14 days must pass a club safety inspection within the first 14 days of their stay or be subject to penalty.
Contact the Club Office if you have any questions (604) 687-3400